Friday, October 9, 2009

Boulder Beer - 30th Anniversary Flashback Ale

Good evening fans of the Brew Ha Ha. I must apologize to you all. I know how much you enjoy and depend on my posting to inform your beer drinking decisions. Fret not fellow lovers of the brew. I'm back and ready to educate you on another fine family of malt beverages.

This week's selection is brought to you Boulder Beer. Ahh, there is nothing quite like the excitement of tasting a new beer for the first time. It reminds of my days as a young boy, feeling the tingle in my Underoos when anticipating a new adventure of Scooby Doo. (ok, I was a weird kid). Anyway, my first selection for the night is the 30th Anniversary Flashback Ale.

Here's the deal. This beer is good. It has a beautiful, dark reddish brown color and rewards you with a healthy head of foam with intricate lacing in your glass.

The flavor is slightly nutty with just the right amount of hoppiness. It goes down very easy, and is not too filling. I feel like I could drink this all night. But at 6.8%, it will kick my ass if I do.

4 out of 5 stars

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