Friday, August 21, 2009

Magic Hat - Roxy Rolles

Woo hoo. I think I need a smoke after drinking this beer. (No really, I've been smoke free for 13 weeks today and this beer is that good). Allow me to present Roxy Rolles from our good friends at Magic Hat. I'm not sure what Roxy Rolles even means but they should have just called this "O Face".

The first thing you'll notice upon pouring this beer is it's sexy red hue. Think Linsay Lohan from mean girls. Sweet yet spicy. Dangerous but approachable. I can go on and on. This is one fantastic beer.

The aroma of this beer will remind you of autumn. Fitting since this is their autumn seasonal beer. The taste is very complex. Strong, herbal taste but not over powering. It kind of reminds me of beer flavored cider but in a good way.

If you want to try something different I encourage you to try this one. Trust me, it's that good.
5 stars.

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