Wednesday, August 5, 2009

River Horse - Double Wit

My wife and I went for a bike ride along the Pine Creek Gorge today. It was a very nice day for a ride but we did see a dead snake and a dead mouse. Very sad indeed. Anyway, since all of the shops in this town close at 5:00 I figured I'd start my reviews early.

Tonight's adventure starts with River Horse Double Wit (belgian style ale). As you can tell from my excellent photo, this beer pours to a lovely golden straw color and produces very little head. (nothing wrong with a little head I always say)

The first thing I noticed upon upon bringing the glass to my face is the slight smell of lemons and exotic spices. This beer has a lot of character and may not be for everyone. It also seems to have more carbonation than I'm used to. As if someone put a lemon cough drop in bottle of seltzer and served it to me in an half emtpy 40 bottle. Yes, I like this beer but I've had better. At 7% alcohol though it may be what you're looking for. 2 stars.

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