Friday, July 31, 2009

Flying Dog - Old Scratch Amber Lager

Wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki. It's Friday night and after a long day at work I was super pumped about getting my swerve on. I know my homies from da' ville know what I mean by that. Anyway, after a long ride home listening to Tribe Called Quest and Onyx I opened up an Old Scratch Amber Lager.

To my surprise, this beer does not taste like an old record scratching. Nor does it taste like poison ivy (trust me, I know). It is a non-offensive product. Not too heavy but not too light either. It's kind of like a salad with a hamburger on top. I hope that makes sense to you because it makes a lot of sense to me.

Regardless, I would say that if you like typical American lagers, like Yuengling or some other crap like that then you will most likely like this. It sort of has a lemony kind of taste to it as well. 2 stars from me.

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